Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer heat, fingers touching his skin

Taking advantage of these past two days of what I should say is, freedom from work. But not advantage in what I would be calling relaxing or what I would really like to do. Oh no, I'm cleaning. Yesterday of the kitchen, TODAY I SCRUBBED THE BATHROOM. FLOOR AND TUB, SINK AND TOILET.

I bleached it too.

It was just so scummy and if I was going to be here alone for the next two months, hell no did I want to live in that. Same with this kitchen. It was gross. Everyone had to live in a f$%^in' shit hole. Ugh. It should have been established that we each do a little something every week. I don't know who will decide to scrub the bathroom and stuff now that I'm gone. I've been the only one doing it when it really got to me and if I had extra time. But like, they don't even grab a broom and sweep the floor in the kitchen etc etc CRUMBS EVERYWHERE. I just can't live in this place another year just because of the knowledge of all the scum that resides here.

Once I get my own place to live there is no way I would let it get like this.
I'm stop ranting on that though before I get over my head.

But it's a good thing, you know? I'm not being lazy about it and I'm actually doing something more productive. Cleaning is just a good thing to do. I'll get into the living room sometime this week, maybe tomorrow. I can't play DDR in a mess either. And since I'm alone, it'll all be kept up with and won't get such a mess wince there's no one else to mess it up on me.

I became friends with my co-worker at Yo D-sert yesterday. We went on a random trip to Walmart and surprisingly we talked more than I thought we would without it being once awkward. I was really surprised because... I'm not really one for just 'clicking' with someone like that. And when she asked for my fb and phone number so soon, considering we hung out for only a day... I don't know, I guess I'm just not used to that. Either that, or it's been way too long since I've actually meet someone to be my friend in a day. Like, I meet so many new people all the time and make friends/acquaintances but like... I never gave away my phone number unless they asked me for it. And I couldn't remember the last time I actually exchanged my phone number with someone. It's always fb fb fb.

I was happy.

Such a little thing. And I felt like the best thing all day just happened.

I bought this giant can (20oz) of coffee at Walmart so I should be set on my iced coffee fix every morning to keep me awake on campus. And I get paid on Friday for working 3weeks at Yo D-sert. I'm curious on what I'm making... $500? Argh... way too low....
And finding random foods in the freezer AGAIN. Sooooo, I'm eating all the abandoned food. 0.0

As for weather-wise, I'm sure everyone here is feeling it. It's HOT.
Like really hot. I forgot what summer felt like here. But I'll be honest, it's really nice being alone here. Alone as in no roommates. I get enough social interaction at work so I'm really okay. I was a bit worried at first, but it's really good. Everything is really okay. I'm happy and I can do my own thing. I have my house/dubstep music blasting every night&day when I'm here and yeah, walking around in less clothing without worrying about men is a plus. I'm pleased. And I can cook meals, keep things clean, play DDR without feeling weird when other people stare at you (that happened a few times and it annoys me when they try to cheer me on -.-''). Just focusing on my own thing.

It's much easier to stop myself from over eating than I thought. And when I get the chance to walk, I'm always doing that. The weather is just too beautiful anymore.

There's not much to talk about in this blog, I just felt like doing it.

I need to eat... and shower.
I would really like some watermelon right now though....omgg

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