Monday, June 27, 2011

Converging muscle cramps only begin when you kill time in a similar fashion

It started by chance when I thought I'd give that supposed "cat-clawed" broken DDR mat a try for no apparent reason.

What ever the reason may have been, I'm glad I did.
When I plugged in the mat to the PS2 and inserted the disk, and stepped on the mat and played 3 songs... my heart was racing so fast I was breathing really hard from just, well, excitement.

I realize that when I say I am "in love" with DDR, people don't seem to understand how serious that is. It's very serious. And it's not like it just some fun game I love to play all the time, I legit am obsessed with this game.

I'm not exactly sure why, I mean if I get anywhere close to playing games it has to be either Kingdom Hearts or DDR. I play DS games from time to time but nothing ever keeps a hold on me, and so I've faded away from loving games like I used to. I think cause maybe I really like to move with games. I like to have to follow the steps and such and be able to interact like that. Maybe it's the catchy dance music too? Or maybe it's because I know I'm exercising and burning calories.

All I know is that I'm addicted. I'm obsessed.
DDR to me is like someone's idea of alcohol. Or heroin. Even when it comes to a good time, instead of drinking I'd be that weirdo to suggest a DDR party instead. I played DDR for three and a half hours today and drank so much water that when I shake my body I can feel and hear it swishing inside me. My clothes were drenched with sweat. And now here I am writing a blog after a nice refreshing shower... at two in the morning. I'm not even tired strangely enough.

I bought four DDR games at GameStop within these past two days. I now own all PS2 DDR games except for one which I will constantly be searching for.

I'm losing a lot of weight with DDR. I'm getting even more exercise than I was before now which is even better. It feels like high school summer all over again. I went and volunteered at the YMCA, came home, ate, then played DDR for hours until my mom came home (she always complained that she heard me stomping from downstairs so I always had to stop when she got home). DDR was my birthday present that year, it was all I wanted as an initiative to lose weight that summer before I went to Japan. And then somewhere along the way I got addicted. It keeps me from thinking about other things too.

When I'm upset or depressed all I have to do is play DDR.
When I'm thinking too much about something all I have to do is play DDR.
When I'm hungry all I have to do is play DDR and I'll stop thinking about eating food because I'll get sucked into the game.

DDR is like that little bit of happy magic in my life, and it helps on the road to being healthy. Not to mention I started eating healthy AND eating much smaller portions. I looked at my supper today and kinda frowned. I wanted to eat more lol. But then I went to DDR and forgot all about hunger lol. After taking a short nap of course ;)

When I get married and have a house of my own, I'm going to be that wife who has a basement for games and possibly a DDR arcade system hahaaa or at least whatever PlayStation that is out at that time and a PS2 for my DDR days. I love it, I really do.

I will be losing weight sooner than expected :)
Now that DDR has come back into my life, I'm going to be a happier, healthier person.
It always makes me feel good afterwards, and during game play.

Yayyy lol

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