I really love Flushing and I really wish I could stay there the entire summer or even live there. There's so much to try, so many new foods, bakeries, ASIAN MEN~
Flushing is just like, my real home.
I went to the all you can eat Korean BBQ that I first went to with Wien. I went with five other friends, well, the one girl I just met that day. I over-ate too much rice and made this sauce that tasted amazing with the grilled squid and meat. But this one meat there was really amazing :)
And as always I got myself bubble tea, because I'm so Asian lol
Taro flavor this time ♥ And it was sooo yummyy
Day two involved eating at a Vietnamese restaurant in Flushing. I got Chicken Curry Stew and the flavor of the broth was just so fantastic, I can't even begin to tell you. See, that's what I mean. There's just so much new things and such a variety of culture and food and.... I missed it. A lot.
That night I made plans to meet with Wien's family. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea at all. I mean, I really wanted to see them again, I really like them. But the last thing I wanted to do was upset him. I mean after everything that has happened, I'm still clingy and wanting him but, I didn't want there to be the idea of being desperate. The entire time before the time of meeting them I was getting so nervous. I just didn't know if I was doing something good or bad and if I should have regretted letting his mom know I was in NYC. But then, I still wanted to make sure she was feeling alright too.
I didn't know what to wear. I just wanted to impress them and I think I really did accomplish that. I wore the dress that I bought, and had my hair up again and it looked really cool with my large hoop earrings and sunglasses. I kept telling myself that I looked like a ROCKSTAR when I looked at myself in the mirror. I think I did good, and when his aunt and brother took me to the Cantonese restaurant where I met up with his mom and cousin, the look on her face made me really happy and embarrassed. I knew I did good, I knew I looked really good! His mom still looked amazing as every too! I was stunned AGAIN by how young she looks for her age.
And I was really surprised at how not ackward it ended up being. I enjoyed myself a whole lot and the food was really good too. They were really kind, and his cousin looked soo much more attractive than I last remembered haha. Everything felt just like normal hearing them talk their Cantonese, talking to me in English every-so-often and it felt completely normal. And hearing all that constant Cantonese again made me realize something important.
It's not just because of him anymore.
It was the help of everyone that I made this decision to go to Hong Kong.
It was hard to just put into words in my head at that time. I clearly understood nothing unless his brother translated it for me, but I still smiled as they laughed and it felt like I was studying abroad again. The Cantonese language sounds so cool, and I really like how a lot of the sentences end with a "aaaaa" type sound. I kinda caught onto that as that spoke at the table and then completely understood when I was at their house and we played Mario Party. Willard kept saying sentences like "B-aaa" or "battery-aaa" and I mentally translated that as "the" or "it is". Kinda like the "だ/です" in Japanese.
After we ate I felt a lot more comfortable walking back to the car. Willard kept talking to me about anime and it wasn't any kind of weird feeling. I don't really remember talking to him too much in the past but it felt like we did. And then before taking me home they offered me to come and play games back at their house. I thought maybe it would be going to far to say okay, I mean, going back inside was really pushing it in my eyes. So I just said I didn't want anyone to feel like I'm imposing myself or anything and they it was fine. So, there I went.
I waited in the living room and I saw these three paintings that Willard did. He's really talented, it's incredible. One plays guitar and piano, the other is a master at art. Jealousss
But we played Mario Party with everyone except his mom. I had a lot of fun and I started screaming at the TV as I normally do. I didn't regret it at all. I stopped thinking about that constant wonder if it was a good or bad idea. I was so happy I made plans to meet up. I enjoyed everyone's company again.
And then I had to say goodbye.
I'll admit, I wish he could have been there so I could have teased him when I kicked his ass or something, to be lead back into his basement and fall asleep on that folding couch, and all I know is that it could have been a stupid move to even go through with this. But I had a lot of fun, and I'm really really glad I was able to see them again.
My last day in Flushing was me and my friend going for Dim Sum. And then I went to the Chinese bakery next door where I proceeded to buy $7 worth of bread and then I forgot it at my friend's house before leaving to Port Authority.
I had a lot of fun and I'm now proud to say that I can successfully get from Port Authority to Flushing my train ALL BY MYSELF :)
And then be able to ride the 12 or 13 bus in Flushing to any stop on those paths BY MYSELF :)
I'm going back to Flushing August 1st and 2nd.
I know it's impossible to see the family again, just because that would be really strange to ask so but...
I had a great time those three days. I only hope the next two days I spend in Flushing again in two weeks can be even better :) I'm hoping so
And I'm not really Asian no matter how much I say it, but, I'm glad I'm in love with the culture and I'm glad I want to believe it in the inside. Because nothing is beating this feeling ♥

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