Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why girls fall in love with men, things never seem to change

Last night, I had hooka for the first time, pomegranate flavor with tobacco.

I haven't smoked in a long time. Well, I'm that girl who just doesn't smoke. Not like I have anything against it, I'm just personally not a smoker. Okay, I have something against LONG TERM SMOKERS, just because... the future effects really scare me. And I don't like when people try to destroy their body like that knowing it'll cause them to possibly get lung cancer. I guess that's why I could never become a smoker myself. I love trying new things, but if it's harmful or dangerous, I can't keep up with it.

I guess I really am too innocent.

Hence the meaning of my name. -sigh- Saying it like that just sounds like a curse, doesn't it?

I would like to try smoking a cigarette again though, just because it's been two years since I last gave it a shot. There's actually one thing I've always wanted to do though, ever since I turned 18.

Buy a pack of cigarettes.

I know this may sound reallyyy silly, but I've always wanted to do it just to say that I've bought cigarettes before. It's like turning 21 and being able to buy alcohol for the first time. I've never done this yet and I really want to but it wasn't until now that I remembered how much I wanted to do it. I'm not really sure what I would do with the pack anyway, I mean it would be kinda wasteful to just keep it without opening it. I guess that means I'd have to buy a lighter too.... haha, but you know, I was never good at smoking! I was trying to smoke hooka properly last night but I failed at that and yes, I coughed again. Same like when I had pot for the first time.... and when I had a cig for the first time.... smoke just doesn't work with me it seems. But I enjoyed it, it smelled good, and it was kinda cool.... to blow it out hahahaaaaa

One thing that has to be on my sexy list:
Kissing with the taste of tobacco in one's mouth.

I've only done it a few times! And after awhile I do admit I got really sick of it, tasting it all the time. I was just thinking, "seriously, could you just quit with the smoking? You taste bad." And so I was happy when it stopped. But recently.... and I mean this thought of mine has been going through my head for a few weeks now, I really miss that taste. It like, brings out a new level of temptation and seduction I can't quite explain. Just tasting it along their tongue, their gums..... it's sooo good.

But I know I'll sick of it again if I get too much of it. So it's like a really nice treat every so often.

You gotta admit, guys can look pretty sexy and intelligent if you see them outside smoking. But those chain smokers, gotta go.

I never quite understood it though.
Why do people who smoke enjoy smoking right after sex?

I mean, even for a non-chain smoker, if you did that I would be quite annoyed. What pleasure is in that bud that it's almost necessary to in-hail smoke right afterwards? I would rather be cuddled up after having something amazing. Not rest against the chest of a guy sitting up in bed enjoying a cig. I just don't get it. There's girls who are exactly the same way. Then there's the couples who do it together! If you do it together, good for you both, but I don't understand it. I don't think there's any explanation that would make sense to me to be honest.

Ahhhhh ahhhh

The more I think about this....
We're so stupid. Women really are.
We fall for the wrong men sometimes.
But can't help when they make us smile.

I'll try smoking again in the future. And I'll buy that pack of cigarettes too!
I want that special, sexy kiss ;) hahaaa lollll

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